About the President/Founder

In 1970, the Lord saved Dr. O. George Kutty while he was at the age of fourteen, and has anointed him mightily throughout the past forty-five over years to preach the Gospel in thirty-four nations around the world.  In 1979, Dr. O. George Kutty has established his ministry with his dear wife in Rhode Island, USA, and has grown through the years to become Asia for Christ Ministry, Incorporated.  Being a native of Kerala, India, Dr. Kutty's heart bleeds for the unsaved millions in India.  His burning desire is to train up a new generation of hardy soldiers in Expository Preaching so as to be capable proclaimers of the Word of God.

Dr. O. George Kutty is internationally known for his dynamic and soul-stirring expository preaching.  He is widely-esteemed as a missionary preacher to the nations, and carries with him substantial credentials and global recognition.  He is the Founder/President of Asia for Christ Ministry (USA) and the Hope for Asia Bible College & Seminary (India).

Dr. O. George Kutty has served the Lord in India with Operation Mobilization teams and graduated with the Intensive Discipleship Training on board the Gospel Ship M/V Logos.  He also served the Lord on board the Gospel Ship Ebenezer under the leadreship of Captain Uriolla from Finland in the Far Eastern countries as a short-term missionary.  As a pioneer in the Lord's work, he was commissioned by Christ in the 1970s to go and preach to the Buddhist Kingdom of Thailand for two years.  He is uniquely gifted and highly disciplined.  God has blessed him with the spirit of excellence in biblical scholarship and international leadership in expository preaching.  He is well-balanced, motivated, focused, and obedient to the vision that God has given him.

He graduated from the Far Eastern Bible College (Singapore), Zion Bible College (USA), International Seminary (USA), and Trinity College of the Bible and Theological Seminary.  His Master of Sacred Literature and Doctor of Religious Studies degrees in Pulpit Communication and Expository Preaching have been endorsed by Canterbury Christ Church University College and the University of Liverpool in England.  In addition, he also holds two degrees from Evangelical Teacher Training Association.

He has been awarded with many international awards, and specifically, honored with the distinction of honor form the National Omicron-Psi Honor Society (USA), and the Youth Assured Medal of Honor (Africa) from the Youth Assured Ministries International of the First American Ministerial Awards Program.

Dr. O. George Kutty is the author of "Driven With Destiny: Biographical and Inspirational Sermons from the Old Testament;" Hallelujah: The Theopogy of Praise and the Key to Spiritual Breakthroughs;" and "The Essential Principles of Expository Preaching."  Currently, he travels internationally to conduct seminars on Expository Preaching, and lives in the United States with his dear wife and children.